Saturday, December 13, 2008

Christmas Thoughts

It's been months since Tyler and I have written anything, but we're done with finals and now we're getting ready for Christmas. As we both made our shopping lists for family and friends and headed on out to purchase the items that will hopefully brighten eyes on Christmas morning, I paused to think about one woman who has taught me a lot about the true meaning of Christmas. I work with this woman, who is mentally disabled, in a residential living center. When asked what she wanted for Christmas her answer was simple, there were only two things on her list.

This wonderful, sweet woman reminded me about the beauty that comes with focusing on the important things in life this Christmas. Really, this Christmas there are only two things on my list. Spending time with family, and remembering the true meaning of Christmas. I look at our small, insignificant Christmas tree, standing just under four feet high, I realize that it's not about the size of Christmas. It's not about the grand presents that might be waiting under that tree on Christmas morning, but the reason that we celebrate this season. On top of that tree is a star ornament that I was given in high school. There is an inscription that reads, "Remember that He is the reason for the season." The savior was born that we may all live eternally. He died that we can return to him, and it is through his priesthood power that we are sealed together in family units. These are the best gifts that I could have ever been given.

I hope that as we prepare for this season that we won't let the hustle and bustle of preparations and traditions keep us from remembering and celebrating the majestic King of Kings whose birth it is that we celebrate. Let us think this Christmas of what gift we will bring, as the wise men did of old, to the Christ child. Will it be an added measure of love, more service, greater devotion? I know that no matter what I give this year, it will never compare in the slightest to the gift that I've been given by my Savior. He truly is the light and the life of the world. He lives and he loves us and wants us to have joy. As we seek to follow him, I know that we can and will find joy. For as the carol says, "Joy to the world, the Savior reigns!"

Merry Christmas! We love you all!

1 comment:

The Marshall Fam said...

Whatever. I want a Wii under my tree. That would be the greatest present. Ha ha ha!

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